Project B – Journal Entry 2

Date: 15.4.2021
Invested Hours: 300+ minutes
Activity: Placing objects and trying to set up enemies.
This diary will be super short as other than placing some objects and setting up some basic values, I spent most of the time trying to figure out how to properly teach spitter to walk.
As it took me quite lot of time to figure out how to do it, at some point I was creating custom enemy to understand, why does chomper move and spitter not. The custom enemy did not really work :(. But in the end I finally stumbled at the part of the unity editor which gives enemies a behavior  …  (For some reasons I would not expect it to be called animator...) So I wasted basically most of the time by setting up  spitters that could walk :( Well at least I have a spitter that can patrol and in the future I will know how to modify or create behavior for enemies  :)

And I did almost nothing...

In the end I have walking spitters and nothing else after several hours :(

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